fermented/cultured vegetables

They will speed up and strengthen your digestive system (especially for harder to digest foods, e.g. protein). They take a little preparation to make initially but are very cheap in the long run.

What are cultured/fermented vegetables (natural probiotics)?
If you have heard of probiotic yoghurt drinks then you may know that the main good thing about these are the beneficial bacteria in them. You can actually grow your own beneficial bacteria using vegetables and this is what cultured vegetables are.
Also, since they are grown with vegetables they break down the vegetables, making the nutrients more accessible to your body. Similar to the idea behind sauerkraut and kimchi.

Can be added to salads, used as a side dish, a snack, incorporated into dips, eaten with carbs and especially good with protein. The taste is slightly tangy to strongly tangy (depends on what vegetables you use and how long you leave it in the fridge before you eat it, longer = tangier).
fermented vegetables
How to make it:

You will need a glass airtight container, e.g. jar sealable with lid, mason jar etc. Ideally several large jars/containers.

1) Finely chop, grate or shred red/green cabbage in a food processor. You can also add a grated carrot if you wish.
Note: it is best to use organic red/green cabbage but non-organic is ok if thoroughly washed first

2) Pack tightly into glass jars (e.g. press down cabbage as you put it into the jar using a spoon/whatever), leaving about 5cm free at the top.

3) Pour filtered water (e.g. Brita filter), or boiled then cooled tap water, or bottled water, into jar until cabbage completely submerged, leaving about 2cm free at the top.
Optional: You can break open and add the contents of any multi-strain probiotic capsule to the water to give it an extra boost of probiotics.
4) Add a tsp salt to each jar, screw jar lid tight, and place them in a dark cupboard for 3-10 days.

5) Check on them daily and as soon as you see tiny bubbles forming it's ready. You can now empty the water* into a cup and drink this throughout the day or drink it over a few days if stored in fridge. Place jars in fridge and eat a spoonful of cabbage before each meal, add it to salads, as a side dish etc.
Note: the longer you leave it in the cupboard/fridge the more intense the flavour will become.

Finish refrigerated jars within a few weeks.

For different flavours: You can add a tiny amount of finely grated ginger, and/or one crushed garlic clove and/or pinch cayenne pepper, grated apple or carrot to the mix if you want. Depends on individual taste. You may wish to try it plain first.

*this water will be highly dense with good bacteria and nutrients, so drink a little at a time (you can keep it in fridge for a few days) but definitely try it and you will notice your stomach turn into a digestion powerhouse. If you are efficient, you can even re-use this water in your next batch if you have it ready at the time. The taste should be a little sour/tangy.

Do not worry if some part of the cabbage is dark, this is because they were probably sticking out above the water surface hence began to oxidise. These can be discarded.

How to eat:
Try to have a spoonful once a day at least.
Best to have a tbsp before and after a meal, to aid digestion. Especially if having protein (e.g. fish, chicken) or large meal.
You can mix it in with a salad or a dip (e.g. hummous).

Main site: www.ArthritisProtocol.com
List of the many benefits of probiotics - see ARTICLE.